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A special meeting

30-OCTOBER-23 • Italia • Modena

Yesterday at the vigil we had a special meeting.

A girl, 15-16 years old, came to us and poured a river of words, also asking many provocative questions: "When I was 14 I had an abortion. The condom broke, what did I had to do?! I am a sporty person and many years of sacrifices were threatened, tell me what I had to do ": they were all questions that for the young age and for the incompetence they showed they stimulated us with a great desire to answer and move from listening to teaching.

"Abortion was the only choice"

"You don't do the good for women" "What do you need to pray for, my grandfather is dead. Science helps, what's praying for? you need to tell me! Because you believe that it is needed"

With extreme effort, we managed not to enter the discussion, but to welcome his anger and pain and to say only a few "yes" and to propose the references we have on the flyer to be delivered that however she did not want to.

In fact, it was listening what she needed.

She stopped for a long time to repeat the questions and through these his story.

We answered his questions "We are not suitable for answering, we do not have the training to do it, but we can give you the phone numbers to who can help you" and every time she asked us "Can I ask you a question?", "Can I tell you a What? "We simply replied "yes" and listened.

This made it possible to welcome what she needed to throw out and slowly anger emerged the real reason that had brought her closer to us: the pain. Pain testified by the tears that ultimately filled her eyes and by the phrase that finally came out among others "you don't know how great is the suffering"

We thank the Lord who listened to us and made it possible to welcome his pain.

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