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Abortion centre has opened in Warsaw for the first time: vigil volunteers are holding fast in prayer

10-MARCH • Polska • Warsawa

WARSAW, POLAND. Abortion center has opened in Warsaw, Poland for the first time: vigil volunteers are holding fast in prayer. Abortion is still mostly illegal in Poland, but abortionists want to circumvent the law in hopes that the liberal government will tolerate it. At present abortion is permitted if the pregnancy threatens the mother’s life or health, or it results from a criminal act such as rape or incest.

An abortion facility in Warsaw has opened exactly opposite the Parliament. The purpose is to pressure the Polish government even more for liberalization. The 40 Days for Life team in Warsaw is part of a big vigil in front as the new abortion center opens on Wiejska Street.

Abortionists have explained the location is not accidental. Activists of the Abortion Dream team kept the location secret until the last moment. The abortion centre has been named, “Abotak” (meaning abortion and yes). One of the leading figures of an Abortion dream team, Justyna Wydrzyńska was found guilty of helping a woman have an abortion by sending her abortion pills.

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