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Croatia, a country passionate for life

30-AUGUST-24 • Hrvatska •

Croatia is a country where the pro-life movement is alive: on fire and passionate for life with the power and inspiration for the Holy Spirit.

The country is alive with initiative and discoveries, as seen through a large number of Croatian inventions such as the parachute, necktie, mechanical pencil and torpedo. With the tragedy of the Yugoslav war remembered in recent history, the newly re-established country is witnessing resurrection in the realm of the pro-life movement. 

The 13th national meeting of Croatian 40 Days for Life teams on the weekend of 30 August-1 September 2024 in the heart of Zagorje and Zabok, Croatia. The event was the 10th celebratory anniversary of the launch of 40 Days for Life in Croatia in 2014. A strong sense of camaraderie pervaded the meeting with a sense of unity and belonging to a cause greater than oneself. 

Now, a total of 36 cities and towns and 38 locations are part of the initiative. 40 Days for Life in Croatia is a lynchpin example for the whole of Europe. Many lives have been saved and 40 Days for Life has breathed hope, inspiration and encouragement into all of Croatia as the initiative is nationally famous. 

More than 120 participants gathered at the national meeting to share experiences, network with lectures, workshops and prayers for the upcoming new Autumn peaceful vigil, taking place from September 25 until November 3. 

National congress Croatia audience 2024

Croatian leaders released a press release saying, “Be prepared and encouraged for the Autumn, all participants look forward to witnessing love for the unborn, mothers, fathers and medical staff in front of 38 hospitals and health centers throughout Croatia.”

The weekend included testimonies including amusing accounts of those participating in the vigil for the first time. The weekend enriched the participants with joy and prepared attendees for the Autumn campaign. 

Adrián István Uracs, 40 Days for Life leader from neighboring Serbia also participated summarizing the latest news from his country. Damir Znaor, kinesiologist from Split shared the importance of taking care of one’s spiritual, mental and physical health with a talk on ‘health in fullness.’

A pro-life quiz was held with singer-songwriter of spiritual music Dragutin Hrastović, while the pastors who welcomed them to their parishes for the night, served mass and held confessions during the meeting were thanked. Croatia 

The meeting was also an opportunity to visit two Marian Shrines - the shrine of Our Lady of Gorse in Labor and the national Marian shrine in Marina Bistrica. Both shrines are an exemplary example of the deep national faith, rooted in centuries of tradition. 

Croatia represents what is possible when we trust God beyond measure. Now 5 Life Centres have started across the country. Visiting the Life Centre in Split, local leader Marija Susic is helping over 50 families from one office, reaching out to mothers in need and also providing practical skills, community life leading to positive transformational results of many families. Marija is reaching mothers, children and families with love one person at a time, providing beautiful witness for the pro-life movement. 

In ten years, 40 Days for Life has grown from one campaign in Zagreb, Croatia to almost every town and city in the country, training leaders, offering hope, providing alternative and proliferating with a litany of new initiatives in ten years from film projects, post abortion retreats, young people and expats inspired in other countries. One such initiative is on September 21 at Lake Bundek in Zagreb the 7th race for life will be held, including the ‘baby crawler’ race.

Robert Colquhoun speech at Croatian National Congress 2024

What would happen if every country followed the example of Croatia with similar witness and enthusiasm for life? The development of 40 Days for Life international is making that process easier every day as countries around Europe begin to wake up to the tragedy of abortion, with 40 Days for Life a direct and tangible way in which leaders and volunteers can take pro-life activism to the next level in their local communities. 

In addition, highly successful pro-life projects are easier than ever to implement in other countries, such as the distribution of the book, “What to say when” which was translated and distributed across Croatia during this time. Projects can help with communication, training and promotion to help take the pro-life message to the next leve. Now is the time for European countries to get strongly established nationwide campaigns that help a pro-life message travel virally across a country seamlessly.

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