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Lipa City, Philippines starts an inaugural campaign with community outreach in a school

06-MARCH • Philippines • Lipá City

The Philippines is the largest Christian country in Asia. After a mission trip there last year, they are running a 40 Days for Life campaign for the first time. Thanks be to God abortion is still illegal in the country.

On the first day, they are reaching out to 400 hundred students, teachers, and staff in a school, La Purism. Their community outreach focuses on reaching schools, parishes, and the public square. A mass was offered for the protection and dignity of all human life.

Sister Maria del Transito, SSVM, came from the United States to help with this new campaign and gave a presentation. She spoke about unplanned pregnancy and the temptations of women to think of abortion because they think “their life is over,” now they cannot follow their goals. She spoke of the dignity of unborn children and the development of each human life. She encouraged the students to stand up to help women, especially in the vulnerable time of an unplanned pregnancy and among their peers, not to stay silent but always to defend the unborn.

We are hoping the campaign will develop and grow all around the Philippines so that the country can retain its Christian values and stop the push towards abortion and contraception.

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