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Paris, at last, first 40 Days for Life Campaign

21-FEBRUARY-24 • France • Paris

By Adrian Uracs, Paris, France

The long-awaited, first ever French 40 Days for Life has finally started during this Lent campaign ! On Ash Wednesday, the first brave volunteers started praying in front of the Hôpital Cochin, in Paris’ 14th district. The place of the vigil, that is 92-94 boulevard du Port Royal, has been chosen for the number of abortions that are committed in that hospital, which seems to be the largest one doing abortion in the country.

The campaign has been declared to the local authorities and the cooperation with the police has been optimal so far. Because of the strict pro-abortion laws in the country, the volunteers have been praying without any signs for now. The number of volunteers is slowly increasing, amongst others because of the large pro-life network in France, a strong presence of Catholic youth, as well as the great cooperation the organizers have with the Police.

In fact, it is the famous “Obstruction of the legal termination of pregnancy” law that made people think that holding a 40 Days for Life vigil might be illegal in France. The authorization we’ve received from the police, as well as the legal arguments we have advanced, have proved that 40 Days for Life is a legitimate initiative in France too!

May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Christ, intercede for the French volunteers during this 1st campaign !

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