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Vienna team sees schoolchildren attend the museum of abortion and contraception

10-MARCH • Österreich • Wien

VIENNA, AUSTRIA. On Day 6, an eyewitness reports at 8.30 am seeing a teacher from a Catholic private school bringing a school class into the abortion museum directly underneath the abortion center. The volunteer asks for prayers for the children attending the abortion museum. It is 8.40 and the teacher illegally leaves the school children alone in the Abortion museum and leaves.

The eyewitness recognized the school uniform of the children because his son went to this Catholic private school until very recently. The eye witness confronted the teacher afterward, the teacher was aggressive and refused to answer why he brought (and left) a class from this Catholic school there. The teacher immediately threatened to call the police. It is highly questionable if a teacher at this school may be allowed to bring children to such a place. 

The father claims the children are 14 years old (in Austria, year 4 of secondary school). The father will investigate this matter and asks for your prayers for the schoolchildren.

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