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Country profile

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Abortion Laws today
In 2002, abortion was legalized until 12 weeks for all reasons. There is no need for justification for abortion prior to 12 weeks. Abortion is allowed up to birth if the doctor thinks the procedure is necessary. Possible reasons for abortion include: the psychological state of the mother and health of the mother.
How and where vigils began
After two delegates from Youth for Life Switzerland went to the International 40 Days for Life Leaders Symposium in Stuttgart (2022) - they decided to launch the first campaign in the fall of 2022. They were amazed by how God helped them to reach 120 volunteers in the first campaign.
Country Statistics
Abortions per year 11,049 in 2021
Vigil locations 2
Volunteers 120
Saved lives unknown
Abortion facilities closed 0
Abortion workers quit 0
National website
Social media

Vigil locations in Switzerland

Campaigns in Switzerland