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International Impact of Roe v Wade

06-MARCH-23 • ALL •

As the popular phrase states, “When America sneezes, the world catches a cold.” The fall of Roe v. Wade has had significant global repercussions, injecting hope, momentum and confidence into pro-life groups around the world. America, the country which has imposed abortion on countries worldwide, is rapidly doing an about turn!

The end of Roe demonstrates to countries less advanced in the fight for life that perseverance works and victories are at hand. It empowers legislators to roll back progressive legislation and prompts public debate and discussion to face the reality of abortion.

Pro-abortion activists are unequivocal that the end of Roe is a disaster internationally, fuelling calls to decrease funding and threatening their policy efforts to liberalize abortion laws. In the last 30 years over 60 countries have expanded access to abortion, but only a small handful have moved in the opposite direction, such a Poland, Nicaragua and Honduras.

Some have called the US legal decision a “massive curve ball.” Although Roe v Wade does not have a direct impact on foreign policy, it sends a strong signal and message, representing a tipping point on abortion. The global influence of the United States sends an inherent message to governments and civil society everywhere that times are changing.

The overturning of Roe v. Wade represents a spiritual transfer of ownership of momentous significance with ripples felt globally, including in all countries where abortion is legal. Pro-abortion activists fear that the dismantling of Roe will catalyze efforts of a similar nature in other countries, lead to increased funding of pro-life efforts. Knowable magazine states, “An emboldened anti-abortion movement is a threat to the hard-won gains in sexual and reproductive health and rights worldwide.”


India is a country which is just waking up to the pro-life message. India just hosted its first March for Life in Delhi in August 2022, in a country where there are a reported 15 million abortions every year. A 2018 government report estimated that 63 million women were “missing” from the country’s population in a large part due to sex-selective abortion.

The end of Roe v. Wade demonstrates to countries like India that unjust laws can be overturned. 40 Days for Life has received a number of new enquiries for starting campaigns in a country of over a billion people where scale is unfathomable.


The election of Italy’s first female prime minister Giorgia Meloni, has got abortion rights activists worried. In a speech in June, Meloni said, “Yes to the culture of life, no to the abyss of death!” During the campaign trail Meloni said she would not touch the abortion law, but many pro-abortionists are skeptical.


South Korea has just had its “Roe vs Wade” moment when abortion was decriminalized by court order in 2021. But thanks to 40 Days for Life, South Koreans are learning the value of a public witness for life to help spread and nourish a culture of respect for life.

Seoul is already on its third 40 Days campaign since starting in 2021, each campaign a textbook effort. Two thirds of the world’s abortions happen in Asia where a similar two thirds of the world’s population resides.


Opportunities abound in Africa, where the pro-life sentiment in some countries is sky high. Obianuju Ekeocha has highlighted the neo-colonialism of Western elites imposing abortion on African cultures. Case law in commonwealth jurisdictions such as Kenya is sometimes influenced by decisions taken in US courtrooms.

Even by the standards of pro-abortion activists, the provision of abortion in many African countries is poor by medical standards, it is a story crying out to be told.

Instead of funding clean water, education, healthcare and authentic development, Western nations have obsessed for decades about the sacrifice of innocent children in Africa, even in countries where it is illegal. On January 28, 2021, in one of his first actions as President, Joe Biden rescinded the law which stopped NGOs receiving US Government funding to provide abortions or campaign for abortion.

The end of Roe vs Wade stands as a trumpet call to awaken Churches reminiscent of a sleeping giant everywhere to realize their greatness, and is like the call of the Creator to speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves. Great victories are pending!

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