Successful Mission Trip to Uganda
08-APRIL-24 • Uganda • Kasese 1
Rachel Guy, local leader from Georgia, USA, visited Uganda for a mission trip during the Lent 2024 campaign. The mission trip was an ideal opportunity to raise the profile of 40 Days for Life in Uganda.
“It was an absolutely incredible conference! God was present there!” said Rachel. Local organizer Charles said the conference was an opportunity for attendees to deepen their understanding of pro-life activism and to embolden deep action.
Rachel shared her own birth story as a crisis pregnancy where doctors recommended an abortion and her story touched their hearts. Rachel also shared how in the United States the no show rate can grow up to 75% when Christians are praying outside of abortion centres and how 40 Days for Life has such a massive impact through public prayer outside of abortion centres. In Uganda public witness is more difficult and complicated although not impossible.
Charles’ group has already received some calls from pregnant mothers who planned for an abortion because of the negligence of their husbands. Charles believes that the pro-life movement can empower communities through the power of young people as his team plan to do a lot of work in order to reach out to many people.
Pastor Chrisostom Magezi spoke about the history of abortion in Uganda and what the Church should do to support mothers in crisis pregnancy. He said that mothers should not be judged but welcomed and helped financially, emotionally and through adoption in Churches.
Isabelle Furaha, the founder of Mama Julia ministry spoke at the event about caring for premature babies. Isabelle and her husband lost their baby at 26 weeks due to premature birth.
Overall, attendees learnt about the rampant nature of abortion in Uganda in clinics that are disguised as fertility or international clinics. The event created a deep sense of responsibility for action. Attendees were inspired and motivated to be the change maker in their place of residence, workspace and social circle.
Attendees resolved to sensitize school going teenagers about the dangers of early sex and abortion, support pregnant women in danger of abortion due to domestic violence, lack of financial support and sicknesses. Attendees also resolved to carry out radio, television and social media campaigns against abortion across the country and pray in local Churches, discipleship groups, workplaces against the practice of abortion.
“It was an absolutely incredible conference! God was present there!” said Rachel. Local organizer Charles said the conference was an opportunity for attendees to deepen their understanding of pro-life activism and to embolden deep action.
Rachel shared her own birth story as a crisis pregnancy where doctors recommended an abortion and her story touched their hearts. Rachel also shared how in the United States the no show rate can grow up to 75% when Christians are praying outside of abortion centres and how 40 Days for Life has such a massive impact through public prayer outside of abortion centres. In Uganda public witness is more difficult and complicated although not impossible.
Charles’ group has already received some calls from pregnant mothers who planned for an abortion because of the negligence of their husbands. Charles believes that the pro-life movement can empower communities through the power of young people as his team plan to do a lot of work in order to reach out to many people.
Pastor Chrisostom Magezi spoke about the history of abortion in Uganda and what the Church should do to support mothers in crisis pregnancy. He said that mothers should not be judged but welcomed and helped financially, emotionally and through adoption in Churches.
Isabelle Furaha, the founder of Mama Julia ministry spoke at the event about caring for premature babies. Isabelle and her husband lost their baby at 26 weeks due to premature birth.
Overall, attendees learnt about the rampant nature of abortion in Uganda in clinics that are disguised as fertility or international clinics. The event created a deep sense of responsibility for action. Attendees were inspired and motivated to be the change maker in their place of residence, workspace and social circle.
Attendees resolved to sensitize school going teenagers about the dangers of early sex and abortion, support pregnant women in danger of abortion due to domestic violence, lack of financial support and sicknesses. Attendees also resolved to carry out radio, television and social media campaigns against abortion across the country and pray in local Churches, discipleship groups, workplaces against the practice of abortion.
Our response remains peaceful prayer
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