Country profile
1985: Decriminalisation of abortion in 3 cases.
2006: Law on assisted reproduction techniques.
2010: New abortion law. Unlike the previous one, it is not a decriminalization in certain exceptions, but establishes a legal gestation period and declares abortion is a fundamental right of women that must be guaranteed.
Term Law.
- 14 weeks: abortion without restrictions.
- 22 weeks: abortion in case of fetal anomalies or disease.
- No limit: if the baby is “not compatible with life”.
2015: Reform of the abortion law. The time limit is maintained, minors require parental consent.
2022: prosecution of pro-lifers at abortion centres. Although the law does not say that you cannot pray in front of an abortion facility, volunteers suffer more pressure from authorities and the media.
2023: Reform of the abortion law. It revokes parental consent for minors, establishes regulation of conscientious objection so that it is not an "obstacle" to guaranteeing abortion, includes training in the practice of abortion in the curricular programs of physicians, and guarantees access to emergency contraceptives.
Abortions being now performed in hospitals by Medical students rather than in private centres.
2024: Constitutional Court accepts as law-abiding the abortion Law and the Penal Code's reform that criminalises prayer in front of abortion facilities, in a controversial ruling that goes along with the Socialist Government's ideology. Catalonia imposes a buffer zone in Barcelona for 30 days.
2016 Autumn. First official campaign in El Puerto de Santa María.
2017 Lent. First campaign in Málaga.
2018. First campaign in Barcelona.
2019 Autumn. First official campaign in Madrid.
This is the first time a campaign in Spain has such a success (<300 participants)
2020 Lent. Due to COVID, the last weeks of the campaign become virtual.
2021 Lent. Barcelona organizes a successful campaign. Madrid organizes a 9 day campaign.
2021 Autumn. 9 Cities
2022 Lent. We double the number of campaigns.
2022 Autumn. 20 Campaigns
2023 Lent. 25 Campaigns
Abortions per year | 90,189 in 2021 |
Vigil locations | 23 |
Volunteers | 4000 |
Saved lives | 41 |
Abortion facilities closed | 0 |
Abortion workers quit | 3 |
National website | |
Social media | Facebook Telegram/Youtube |