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Abortion Laws today
Abortions may be performed up to 12 weeks but may be extended up to 24 weeks in certain circumstances. Access to abortion requires the woman to obtain a certificate from a gynaecologist confirming the pregnancy then seek counselling from a midwife at the Family Protection Service at least twice. 72 hours must pass between the two counselling sessions and then the procedure may be performed.
 On the 15th September 2022, Hungary passed new abortion restrictions, with a mandatory ultrasounds bill where women who are seeking an abortion will now be obliged to “listen to the fetal heartbeat” before they can have an abortion.
How and where vigils began
In 2017, the president of pro-life organization Alfa Szövetség (Alpha Alliance) called together representatives of all the major Christian denominations in the country to form the first 40 Days for Life vigil in Hungary. This was the 2017 Fall campaign. The vigil was in front of Saint Stephen Hospital, Budapest. There was a pause until the start of the Spring campaign of 2021 since then, 40 Days for Life vigils have been going strong each campaign.
Country Statistics
Abortions per year 21,907 in 2021
Vigil locations 2
Volunteers 50
Saved lives 5
Abortion facilities closed 0
Abortion workers quit 0
National website https://40napazeletert.hu
Social media