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Country profile

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Abortion Laws today
Nigeria practices English law since independence. Abortion is illegal. It is not likely to be legalized in the near future. Northern Nigeria is governed by the Penal Code and Southern Nigeria is governed by the Criminal Code. The Criminal Code states that any doctor providing an abortion to a woman is guilty of a felony for up to 14 years of imprisonment. The only legal way to have an abortion in Nigeria is if the mother’s life is in danger. Despite this, abortion is commonly practiced among the population of 224 million.
How and where vigils began
The leader lived in a university community and got to learn that some students were on contraceptives and aborting their babies. She decided to hold a talk on chastity with student organizations and after that she searched for organizations that are against abortion and discovered 40 Days for Life. She signed up for the vigil and have been leading since then in 2014. Campaigns have been held all over Nigeria with conferences organised in Lagos and Abuja.
Country Statistics
Abortions per year Unknown because it’s illegal, so it is done secretly
Vigil locations 3
Volunteers 200
Saved lives 12
Abortion facilities closed 1
Abortion workers quit 0
National website integrated into this website
Social media

Vigil locations in Nigeria