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Abortion Laws today
Abortion law is still part of the criminal law. At present there are attempts to decriminalize the abortion law. There is also a proposal for a new Embryo Law, which allows for further experimentation with human embryos without asking any moral questions.

Abortion for "serious medical reasons" can be performed after 24 weeks. There is a mandatory five-day waiting period for abortions done after your menstrual period is 17 days overdue. However, on June 21, 2022, Dutch parliamentarians approved a law to scrap the mandatory five-day reflection period before undergoing an abortion, saying women, with a joint consultation with the doctor, should be able to determine the time before making a decision. The law went into effect in January of 2023.
How and where vigils began
The first vigil will take place in Fall 2023 in the city of Arnhem, as a result of a visit and a prolife event in the Hague organized by the International 40 Days for Life team and the Sisters of the Religious Family of the Incarnate Word. The vigil will be organised with young people, supported by the prayers of elderly people.
Country Statistics
Abortions per year 31,049
Vigil locations 1
Volunteers unknown
Saved lives 0
Abortion facilities closed 0
Abortion workers quit 0
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