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Europe’s largest pro-life event sees enormous crowd witness for life


40,000 pro-lifers gathered in Košice, Slovakia on Sunday 22 September 2024 to witness at the National March for Life with the theme “Love is pro-life.” "If we love someone, we want them to be protected”, said event organiser Patrik Daniška. Košice is close to the Ukrainian border. The Slovakian March for ...
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Dr Haywood Robinson concludes epic London Mission Trip


Dr Haywood Robinson, Director of Medical Affairs and Education for 40 Days for Life concluded an epic mission trip on 7th September  2024 to the United Kingdom with a keynote speech outside the Houses of Parliament in front of nearly 10,000 people. As a retired family physician who practiced medicine for ...
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Croatia, a country passionate for life


Croatia is a country where the pro-life movement is alive: on fire and passionate for life with the power and inspiration for the Holy Spirit. The country is alive with initiative and discoveries, as seen through a large number of Croatian inventions such as the parachute, necktie, mechanical pencil and torpedo. ...
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Outstanding USA Post-Roe Symposium inspires and empowers leaders with greatness


380 pro-life leaders met in Nashville, Tennessee from July 12-14 for a post-Roe symposium to enable and equip leaders to lead their best local 40 Days for Life campaign ever.  Sister Mary Madeline Todd O.P., a Dominican Sister of the Congregation of Saint Cecilia with three decades experience of teaching and ...
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Our response remains peaceful prayer


While today, on July 5, 2024, the German Bundestag debated the introduction of 100-meter buffer zones around abortion clinics and counseling centers of the international abortion organization International Planned Parenthood Federation (pro familia), peaceful pro-life advocates from 40 Days for Life prayed the Rosary in front of the pro familia ...
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Youth conference inspires next generation for second year running in Warsaw


Let’s Celebrate Life Conference Warsaw, PolandSunday 23 June 2024For the second year running, a pro-life conference has been organized in Warsaw at the Collegium Bobolanum Catholic Jesuit Academy by young people. The aim of the event was to galvanize young people to be ambassadors equipped for pro-life mission. The event was ...
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Successful Mission trip to Uganda, the pearl of Africa


Robert Colquhoun, Dr Haywood Robinson and Daphne Robinson travelled to Uganda from 12-16 June 2024. Dr Haywood Robinson is Director of Medical Affairs and Education for 40 Days for Life. Daphne Robinson is the founding executive of Atlanta Morning Center, a pro-life medical centre. During the visit we were hosted ...
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40 Days for Life at Hearing in the German Bundestag


The problem is not the peaceful pro-life advocates but the political elite, which allows itself to be manipulated by the abortion lobby and, for ideological reasons, refuses to accept the current legal situation and the court rulings on this matter. Instead, peaceful and Christian-motivated pro-life advocates should be placed under ...
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Rally outside British Houses of Parliament sees hundreds of Pro-lifers oppose abortion up to birth


Hundreds of pro life activists gathered outside British Houses of Parliament with the theme: no to abortion up to birth to stand against the proposals to decriminalise abortion in upcoming legislation. Speakers from all main pro life organisations shared their testimony and witness to oppose this change in the law. Members ...
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40 Days for Life among the experts at a hearing in the German Bundestag


Next Monday, May 13, 2024, Tomislav Čunović, Managing Director of 40 Days for Life International, will be one of eleven experts at a public hearing of the Committee for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth of the German Bundestag to comment on a draft law of the Federal Government ...
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6th International Pro-Life Conference, Zagreb, Croatia


From April 12 to 14, 2024, in Zagreb, Croatia was held the 6th International Pro-Life Conference „Now choose life“, which according to the organizers themselves, the association „Croatia for Life“, and the reactions of the participants, was one of the best and of the highest quality conferences in general.This Conference ...
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The European Parliament advances the culture of death and calls for the consideration of the option to kill the unborn as a fundamental European right.


With 336 votes in favor and 136 against, the European Parliament urged last Thursday, April 11, 2024, for European institutions to include this so-called "right" to abortion in the fundamental rights. This increases its declared disregard for the most vulnerable Europeans, those who have no voice or vote, are not ...
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Successful Mission Trip to Uganda


Rachel Guy, local leader from Georgia, USA, visited Uganda for a mission trip during the Lent 2024 campaign. The mission trip was an ideal opportunity to raise the profile of 40 Days for Life in Uganda.“It was an absolutely incredible conference! God was present there!” said Rachel. Local organizer Charles ...
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A Spanish region establishes buffer zones for public prayer


Following the trend of other European authorities, such as the United Kingdom parliament or some German cities, the Spanish region of Catalonia has attempted to restrict the freedoms of expression, worship, and assembly for participants of the 40 Days for Life campaign in Barcelona. Last February, the regional security official sent ...
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Record campaign with results pouring in!


40 Days for Life was held in 49 countries worldwide this year: that’s a record! There were 29 countries outside the Americas in nearly 100 locations out of 646 local cities internationally in total.We have just had our international leader’s conference in Rome 2 weeks before the campaign started, leaders ...
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6th International Pro-Life Conference in Croatia


This year the 40 Days for Life team in Croatia organizes the 6th International Pro-Life Conference, celebrating 10 years. In Zagreb, at hotel Zonar, we will gather domestic and international speakers with one mission: answer to the biggest problem today: abortion. If you want to be part of this Conference from the ...
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Attacks to our vigils in Jamaica


The vigil site in Kingston, Jamaica has heated up significantly. Just recently, a group of ladies turned up making a lot of noise and said they were going to take down the pro-life signs and tear them up. One of the ladies was there to have an abortion and was vocal ...
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Epic presence in Glasgow


The Glasgow campaign is shining light, truth and hope with glowing embers! Wall to wall media coverage, a national government trying to ban the vigil and vitriolic campaigners inciting hatred towards volunteers, the campaign has been eventful and very fruitful, including a baby saved from abortion during this campaign.Recently large ...
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Attack on a peaceful 40 Days for Life prayer gathering in Frankfurt am Main


PRESS RELEASE On Friday, March 1, 2024, a peaceful and lawfully conducted prayer gathering organized by "40 Days for Life" outside the pro familia (IPPF) center in Frankfurt am Main was severely disrupted by approximately 20 individuals from the far-left milieu during the recitation of the Rosary, and the participants were ...
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2 weeks in and ON FIRE Internationally!


2 weeks in and the 40 Days for Life campaign is ON FIRE Internationally! We have 2 new countries join us: France and Jamaica for the very first time. We conducted a workshop in Paris and now a small witness has started. In Jamaica, where abortion is illegal, the ‘medical’ ...
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Abortion facility closed in Little Rock, Arkansas


After more than 20 impactful 40 Days for Life campaigns, the doors of Little Rock Family Planning Services in Arkansas are now closed for good. A testament to the dedication of prayerful efforts, the closure marks a significant milestone for pro-life advocates. As the property goes up for sale, it ...
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Stockport NUPAS Centre Closing


By Robert Colquhoun. International Campaigns Director "Everyone, WONDERFUL news! Our prayers have been answered, the abortion clinic is CLOSED, CLOSED, CLOSED!!!!’ Father Dave had just started praying the Joyful mysteries and this chap came up to us with a smile on his face. He said, “Do you know, it is closed.” ...
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Paris, at last, first 40 Days for Life Campaign


By Adrian Uracs, Paris, France The long-awaited, first ever French 40 Days for Life has finally started during this Lent campaign ! On Ash Wednesday, the first brave volunteers started praying in front of the Hôpital Cochin, in Paris’ 14th district. The place of the vigil, that is 92-94 boulevard du ...
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Our response is peaceful prayer!


PRESS RELEASE During the Christian Lent starting on February 14, 2024, tens of thousands of people worldwide will once again pray and fast publicly for life as part of the ecumenical prayer initiative "40 Days for Life" until March 24, 2024. Participants pray to God that pregnant women will bring their children ...
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The German government tries to restrict freedom of speech


The German Minister of Family, Lila Paus (Green Party), has proposed legislation to restrict freedom of speech, assistance to pregnant women in crisis, and religious activity around abortion centers in Germany. This measure would prevent women seeking abortions from being influenced by perspectives other than those of the abortion businesses ...
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40DFL Presentation in Paris


On Saturday January 13th, 40 Days For Life has been officially presented in Paris, France.The event took place in the Patronage du Bon Conseil in the French capital. About 25 people attended the event.Robert Colquhoun, director of international campaigns, flew from London to Paris to support this first time event ...
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The Spiritual Battle for Life: Latin American Congress 2023


Over 250 40 Days for Life leaders and volunteers from almost every Latin American country and beyond gathered in Mexico City, 10-12 November 2023 for a Latin American 40 Days for Life Congress themed: “The Spiritual Battle for Life.” The Latin American continent is vibrant and alive for life: the ...
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A special meeting


Yesterday at the vigil we had a special meeting.A girl, 15-16 years old, came to us and poured a river of words, also asking many provocative questions: "When I was 14 I had an abortion. The condom broke, what did I had to do?! I am a sporty person and ...
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The Mexican Supreme Court didn't decriminalize abortion and mainstream media lied


The Supreme Mexican Court announced on September 6th, 2023 in its Twitter(X) account, that it ruled in favor of the decriminalization of abortion in a case filed by the pro-abortion and feminist association GIRE (Information Group on Chosen Reproduction). This ruling applies in the very rare occasions in which the ...
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More than 6,000 people marched for life in Ottawa


More than 6,000 people marched last 11th of May in Ottawa (Canada), after two years of COVID restrictions that made the rally only virtual. The National March for Life, typically the largest annual protest on Parliament Hill, takes place in May to mark the day when the 1969 omnibus bill passed ...
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The Spanish Constitutional Court rules in favor of abortion 13 years after the appeal was filed


The Spanish Constitutional Court, recently renovated in several of its members by the PSOE-UP (far-left) coalition government in collusion with the so-called conservative party (Partido Popular) and ignoring the judiciary protests, has issued a ruling in favor of the recent government-approved abortion law that virtually makes abortion a free practice ...
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2023 Lent International Achievements


Many blessings and achievements have happened on the international front during Lent 2023 for 40 Days for Life The Lent 2023 campaign got off to a great start with a report from Spain of a baby saved from abortion in Madrid. In 2022, Spain criminalized pavement counseling, meaning pro-lifers who try ...
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Several thousand people march for Life in Portugal


For as long as 11 years, the March for Life brings together all the associations and pro-life political parties in a civic march that takes place in several Portuguese cities (9 in this edition, on the 23rd of March), with Lisbon at the forefront. It is organized by the Portuguese ...
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March for Life in Madrid, Spain


On Sunday, March 12th, the March for Life (Yes to Life) was held in Madrid, convened by more than 200 pro-life associations from all over Spain. The march ran at noon at the main avenue in Madrid, where a mobile stage had been set up.This year it far exceeded the ...
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Iconic Flagship Abortion Centre Permanently Closed!


By Robert Colquhoun, Director of International Campaigns, 40 Days for Life The unthinkable has happened! The abortion centre where 40 Days for Life started in the United Kingdom is now closed for good! God is great!Marie Stopes House permanently closed on 28 May 2021 in central London after nearly 11 years ...
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International Impact of Roe v Wade


As the popular phrase states, “When America sneezes, the world catches a cold.” The fall of Roe v. Wade has had significant global repercussions, injecting hope, momentum and confidence into pro-life groups around the world. America, the country which has imposed abortion on countries worldwide, is rapidly doing an about ...
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Nigerian Leader Empowers Young People to Choose Life


Yusuf Ayuba is saving lives—and the next generation—from abortion.   By Robert Colquhoun, Director of International Campaigns, 40 Days for Life“Good News!” reported Yusuf Ayuba, the 40 Days for Life campaign leader in Abuja, Nigeria. “One of the mothers who chose life for her baby during our previous campaign delivered a bouncing ...
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