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New Zealand

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Abortion Laws today
Abortion is legal throughout all nine months of pregnancy for any reason whatsoever. The only requirement is that after 20 weeks, the provider believes the abortion is "clinically appropriate in the circumstances." They must also consult with another qualified practitioner about the abortion. Buffer zones have recently been introduced outside abortion centres in New Zealand.
How and where vigils began
The first vigil was in Lent 2014 in Auckland and Wellington after being excited by the news coming out of the United States about the 40 Days for Life initiative: of the lives saved, and workers leaving. The inspiration was on the focus on prayer, trust in God, and the emphasis on humility. Also, the unity of participants, open to Catholics and non- Catholics as an ecumenical campaign.
Country Statistics
Abortions per year 13,257 - reported (down from a high of 18,511 in 2003)
Vigil locations 3
Volunteers 1,000
Saved lives 4
Abortion facilities closed 0
Abortion workers quit 0
National website
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