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2 weeks in and ON FIRE Internationally!

01-MARCH-24 • ALL •

2 weeks in and the 40 Days for Life campaign is ON FIRE Internationally! We have 2 new countries join us: France and Jamaica for the very first time. We conducted a workshop in Paris and now a small witness has started. In Jamaica, where abortion is illegal, the ‘medical’ centre staff were aggressive and furious with the vigil on day one and the team held strong in their witness.

In Spain, the Barcelona team recently held a conference featuring Isabel Vaughan-Spruce who was arrested in the UK for silently praying. The local authorities have been giving the team problems there also telling them they cannot witness, but a team of lawyers are on the case. There were also screenings of Unplanned over the country and already they report 2 lives saved from abortion in Malaga and Valladolid. In Portugal, pavement counseling is happening, thanks to Ruby from Colombia an expert in the field. With 25 cities the Spanish witness is very strong and growing in expertise, helping galvanize national debates on abortion.

In Taiwan, the campaign is now in its third year. Students are supporting the campaign all over the country of 23 million people. The birth rate is one of the lowest in the world and Christians are a small minority. Sister Maria Fidelis is an Argentinian nun, in the country for several decades and sensitive to the local culture. People are hearing about the pro-life message for the very first time, thanks to her massive influence.

In Birmingham, the team are praying outside the buffer zone. One of the Church groups considered the pro-life poster messaging offensive and asked the group to move further down the road into the buffer zone! The team can definitely feel the power of prayer having an influence with stories of mums in crisis pregnancies. In Manchester, we have received reports that the abortion centre is closing in Stockport where the team are praying, and we have had a witness in Manchester for over 10 years - this is an incredible blessing! The nurse at the abortuary said the last abortion was on 25 January and the team prayed that she would receive another job. Adam Smith-Connor in Southampton is awaiting a 3 day court case for the crime of praying silently in his head in Bournemouth.

In Portugal, there is now 3 campaigns: Lisbon, Porto and Barreira. They have been screening Unplanned at the Catholic university. The team in Lisbon received a threat which they saw pro-abortionists triggered and a sign of the effect their team is having. They reached out to a young girl considering abortion and currently praying for her.

In Hungary, the team had an opening ceremony with a speech from the pastor of a Baptist Church. One of the volunteers reaching out to someone who had a son who committed suicide they said that the “Lord is going to help everyone.” With 5 campaigns in Hungary, the team have a new website, and the growth is deeply encouraging.

In Ireland, the team are witnessing in Galway outside a hospital where there is a busy intersection where hundreds of passers by come every hour. A post abortive father came up to the team crying and sharing his experience. They are using literature in the street to share the pro-life message: in the mean time 5 other cities in Ireland have signed up.

In Poland, the team are onto their second campaign. Sofia reports that the team are praying intercessions for each day in a country where they do not have abortion centres, but women are buying pills to take at home. On social media they are sharing testimonies and meeting people in the street with their stories.

In Jos, Nigeria, Maureen has been visiting secondary schools and they saved a baby on the streets in the first week. Some people stay in the Church to pray, and another team go to schools to talk about chastity which is received very well by 14-18 year olds. Seminarians are also helping spread the message in schools and colleges and about the problem of abortion. A teenage girl of sixteen years was reported by another teenager. The leader convinced both mother and daughter that the baby should not be aborted, and made arrangements for the girl including antenatal care. The team continue to pray good health for the girl and that the situation will end in praise.

Just a couple of weeks in and the witness is deeply inspiring! We encourage all the volunteers to keep up the courageous presence on the pavement!

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