Case Beatriz vs. El Salvador: The IACHR Confirms There Is No Right to Abortion
21-DECEMBER-24 • ALL •
The Inter-American Court of Human Rights confirms that there is no right to abortion in its ruling on the Beatriz vs. El Salvador case.
In a historic decision published on December 20, the Court ruled that abortion is not a right under the American Convention on Human Rights. This decision, part of the "Beatriz vs. El Salvador" case, sets an important precedent in the abortion debate in Latin America.
The Court rejected the petitions from advocacy organizations that sought to declare abortion a human right and its prohibition a form of torture. Additionally, it declined requests for unrestricted and legal abortion, abortion on demand for minors without additional requirements, and a ban on conscientious objection. The regional tribunal also found no connection between the medical care Beatriz received in 2013 and her tragic death in a car accident in 2017, a claim used by petitioners to strengthen their case.
A Defeat for the Abortion Agenda in Hispanic America
The goal of this case (analyzed in our magazine Vigilia40, which exposes the fallacies of the plaintiffs' arguments) was to become a Latin American equivalent of the U.S. Roe vs. Wade case, serving as a precedent to open the door to abortion legalization across the region. However, the ruling dismissed the main arguments of pro-abortion organizations seeking to impose their globalist agenda on Latin America.
The Court requested El Salvador to update its medical protocols for high-risk pregnancies, which must now be done in accordance with the ruling.
A noteworthy aspect of the decision was the recognition of the life of Leilani, Beatriz's daughter, who was diagnosed with anencephaly. The Court acknowledged her dignity and humanity by mentioning her by name in the ruling, which has been highlighted as a significant achievement by pro-life groups.
The case was also surrounded by controversy due to allegations of manipulation and political interests. According to various reports, the organizations involved, as well as the petitioning parties, have ties to the Open Society Foundations, an entity funded by George Soros that supports progressive causes globally.
The pro-life community celebrated the decision as a significant victory. "Yes to both lives: Beatriz’s life and Leilani’s life," stated AFI Guatemala in a statement, emphasizing that the ruling reinforces the intrinsic value of all human life. They further highlighted that the Court's decision consolidates the principle that life is a universal human right.
Thousands of prayer warriors from 40 Days for Life and many other organizations have prayed fervently for this miracle: that in the face of strong pressures from the well-funded international abortion movement, truth and respect for unborn life would prevail (which, of course, includes born life, as no one exists without first passing through the womb).
Beatriz vs. El Salvador: A Landmark Precedent
The Beatriz vs. El Salvador case has set a crucial precedent, reaffirming the defense of life and rejecting attempts to impose a globalist agenda on the region. The ruling represents a defeat for those who sought to legalize abortion under the pretext of human rights, when abortion violates the foremost human right—the right to life.
40 Days for Life El Salvador Statement
We are grateful to everyone who joined in the defense of the Beatriz vs. El Salvador case, from the various legal teams to those who joined in prayer and fasting, ensuring that the Inter-American Court of Human Rights did not force El Salvador to establish abortion as a right.
The IACHR confirmed that there is no right to abortion, respecting the American Convention. In today’s published ruling on the Beatriz case, the regional tribunal declined to declare abortion a right or its prohibition a form of torture, as requested by the petitioners. However, it did call on El Salvador to update its high-risk pregnancy protocols.
We continue to request prayers so that abortion may become unthinkable and that the hope of saving both lives prevails, respecting life from conception to natural death.
Leilani, Beatriz's daughter, received baptism and her mother’s love at birth. Her short mission in this world inspires us to fight for both lives.
We call on all pro-life Salvadorans to awaken to this great danger that continues to threaten our nation and to safeguard and protect all human life from within our communities, institutions, and movements.
Link to the full IACHR ruling (in Spanish)
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