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Everybody can take part in 40 Days for Life worldwide

No matter your age, civil status, faith or any other personal circumstance. You can put your grain in this mountain.

You don't need so much time. A few hours are enough to give your testimony publicly. Even 1 hour is enough

Come with us, join this huge movement and pray for the end of abortion in your own town. We have achieved great victories up to now, thanks to God's grace.

You can find the closest vigil location and join in.

You can come to our vigils and stand by the most vulnerable, the unborn children, and for the mothers and fathers who are thinking about abortion as a fake solution to what they see as a problem. Our campaigns save lives and souls (more than 23,000 babies since 2007, at least that we are aware of).

If there isn't a close enough campaign, please consider creating one in your city.

If you don't think you're able to give public testimony right in the street, in front of the abortion centers, you can also donate to support our campaigns globally. Be our donor and take part in this amazing mission of ending abortion.

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