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Country profile

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Abortion Laws today
Abortions were legalized in 1957 in (then) Czechoslovakia. However, back then women were required to obtain medical approval prior to having an abortion. Now in 2023, abortions are performed up to 12 weeks for any reason.
How and where vigils began
The leader stumbled upon Abby Johnson's book UnPlanned back in 2014. She was astonished after she read it. Although she was pro-life and Catholic before reading the book, only afterwards he realized how gruesome abortion is and what it does to our society. In 2015 she started slowly preparing the vigil, and in the fall of 2016, the first campaign at the capital city – Bratislava was launched. The campaign took sweat and tears, but it was worth it as a nationwide prayer campaign has developed. .
Country Statistics
Abortions per year 5,539 in 2022
Vigil locations 2-3
Volunteers 100
Saved lives 2
Abortion facilities closed 0
Abortion workers quit 0
National website
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Campaigns in Slovakia