Courage in the Face of Adversity
Tuesday, 12 March, 2024
Glasgow, Scotland
Rose was exhausted and astonished.
She had just finished a candlelit vigil with 107 volunteers in front of placards created by pro-abortion activists desperate for national buffer zone laws.
Earlier in the campaign a woman stopped to pray with the 40 Days for Life participants on her way into the hospital to give birth. The family returned to pray after the birth, and Mum, Dad, baby and big brother joined the vigil. Rose and her team were thrilled to see the little newborn girl.
In her 9th year as a 40 Days for Life leader, the forces of darkness have been surrounding her campaign like vultures hungry for their next meal. Notwithstanding all of that her outstanding, no pun intended, 40 Days for Life Vigil team have stood firm throughout the whole 9 years, coming back each year to be once again salt and light in the world.
She just finished a truly epic campaign outside one of the largest hospitals in Europe: the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (QEUH) . Her vigil has established national significance in Scotland - a nation of 5.2 million people.
Media, parliament and campaigners are united in a campaign to criminalize silent prayer, which has already been successfully introduced in England and Wales on a national basis. Rose says, “We know that we are engaged in a David and Goliath spiritual battle . We know that prayer and the rosary in particular work so we continue as before praying our way forward in faith and trust.”
Rose and her volunteers had just maintained a peaceful prayer in the face of hundreds of hours of taunts and attempts to disrupt prayer. At one point an activist turned up with loud music in an attempt to drown out prayer. There were numerous repeated attempts by the opposition to park up in front of the vigil site to block the message boards held by vigil participants offering help and support. Despite continued attempts to heckle and intimidate her group, they continued to ‘stand firm’ for twelve hours per day for 40 days in all weathers. Indeed, ‘Stand firm’ has become the vigil group’s motto. No matter the provocation they turn the other cheek.
Rose continues to pray with commitment and consistency in a no nonsense manner with integrity, regardless of the hysteria of the opposition. She realizes the spiritual importance of reparation in prayer, and the power of personal witness. She and her team quietly continues to do God’s work, in a dark place where hope is vitally needed. She trusts in God, knowing that he has a bigger victory and wins in the end. Her favourite phrase is “Onwards and upwards,” clear evidence of her optimism and hope, despite how extreme abortion laws are in Scotland.
Having been involved for decades with pro-life work, Rose was refreshed by the approach of 40 Days for Life emphasizing prayer rather than politics in attempting to change the culture and engage with society. Rose and her vigil group have witnessed to hundreds and thousands of people over the last decade, whom otherwise might never have heard a pro-life message. She sees that decades of political action has not led to much change, and that prayer recognizes the power of hearts and minds when it comes to abortion. Prayer is the foundational stone in the changing of culture and she is reaching out to people one person at a time.
Organizations such as BACK OFF SCOTLAND have been set up with the sole purpose of discrediting and criminalizing Rose’s quiet, peaceful presence outside an enormous hospital where children are aborted every year. Since the passing of the UK Abortion Act 55 years ago Scotland has aborted more than half a million children.
Of all the 40 Days for Life campaigns around the world, the Scottish media is perhaps the most staunchly and militantly pro-abortion anywhere. The BBC commissioned a documentary on buffer zones casting pro-lifers in a unfavorable light, while mainstream newspaper articles copy and paste pro-abortion activists stories. There is no fact checking.
Indeed the very few interviews that Rose has given have been not only been severely edited but actually omitted when a photo journalist said to Rose after her piece to his camera, ’thanks for that Rose but they won’t use it.’ She had replied in relation to his question, ‘ who are you and what are you doing here?’ ‘ We are a peaceful Christian prolife prayer vigil group offering support to anyone who may be facing a crisis pregnancy or indeed who may be in need of post abortion counselling support.’ When he further asked her what she thought about the Scottish Government’s move to bring in Buffer Zones she replied that as a Christian it made her think about Daivid and Goliath.’ He laughed and said that he thought it was a terrific comment but once again reiterated ‘but they won’t use it.’ It is for these reasons Rose chooses not to engage with the media in this toxic environment, preferring instead to heed the St Thomas Aquinas quote, ‘The truth is like a lion, you do not need to defend it, just set it free and it will defend itself’
A number of years ago the hospital management spent hundreds of thousands of pounds of legal fees chasing a couple of Christian midwives several years back through the courts who objected to abortion on grounds of conscientious objection in management roles. Mary Doogan and Connie Wood eventually lost their case and lost their careers in the process.
Dr Greg Irwin, who is a Pediatric Radiologist in the local Childrens Hospital which shares a campus with the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (QEUH) has continued to heckle vigil participants with hysterical pro-abortion activism, filming vigil participants without their consent and regularly returning to the vigil site to patronize and misrepresent volunteers present there.
The vigil takes place outside of the QEUH grounds and is situated across a very busy main road.
The entire Scottish Parliament spent just half an hour to decide that buffer zones where desperately needed, where there is barely one pro-life member of Parliament, John Mason is the only parliamentarian willing to speak out for the pro-life cause and as a result he was censured by his own party. Scottish politicians have hired an abortion guru on a high salary to advance the buffer zone agenda.
Scotland’s former Prime Minister Nicole Sturgeon has hosted multiple pro-abortion summits personally to vilify the work of 40 Days for Life. The entire Government machinery is determined and resolutely obsessed with bullying Christians by criminalizing silent prayer.
One wet day at the vigil, a young father drove up and wound down his car window. He had a baby seat in the front which held a new-born child. In the back seat there was a little two year old boy with huge smiling eyes. The father leant across to say over the sleeping baby, ‘I just wanted to stop and thank all of you for what you are doing here. It is so very important that you are here and that you continue to do what you are doing because he said you are doing it for such as these little ones. Thank you so very much.’ Vigil tears of gratitude mingled with raindrops that day!
On another occasion late one very wet afternoon a young woman drew up at the vigil site. She rolled down her window and sat for a few moments, silently and quietly staring at the vigil posters. She asked if they were an anti abortion protest. Rose explained that they were a peaceful prolife prayer vigil offering help and support to anyone facing a crisis pregnancy or in need of post abortion support. As the young woman continued to quietly stare at the ‘choose life’ poster Rose gently asked the young woman if she had been through the abortion experience. In quiet response she nodded her head before going on to explain that it had happened in the QEUH the previous year. Her mother had just died and ‘her head was all over the place.’ She went on to say that after taking the first pill she had changed her mind and called the hospital the following day. Her friend listened in on the call. After the call she said that her friend was so shocked at the way in which the hospital staff had spoken. Still staring at the ‘choose life’ poster the young woman’s eyes filled with tears and she said,’ I just want my baby back.’ Rose talked to her about the post abortion support group and asked her if she would like one of their contact cards. She said yes and took the card before driving away. She said her name was Jo.
This particular encounter, which is one among many such post abortion encounters, is evidence if such evidence is required that our peaceful prayer vigil is just that. There is no intimidation or harassment. Jo was not deterred from stopping at the vigil site by our poster board messages indeed she was drawn in by our peaceful demeanor.
Despite the iniquitous pantomime, Rose continues to pray with her faithful volunteers, in a country which needs as much prayer as possible. She continues to have many grace filled moments with passers by, who have a wild variety of opinions on the pro-life presence outside the hospital.
On numerous occasions even those who have claimed to be prochoice have asked the vigil for prayers for their loved ones in hospital before heading in to the hospital. Yet further evidence of the peaceful and prayerful nature of our vigil.
Rose was exhausted and astonished.
She had just finished a candlelit vigil with 107 volunteers in front of placards created by pro-abortion activists desperate for national buffer zone laws.
Earlier in the campaign a woman stopped to pray with the 40 Days for Life participants on her way into the hospital to give birth. The family returned to pray after the birth, and Mum, Dad, baby and big brother joined the vigil. Rose and her team were thrilled to see the little newborn girl.
In her 9th year as a 40 Days for Life leader, the forces of darkness have been surrounding her campaign like vultures hungry for their next meal. Notwithstanding all of that her outstanding, no pun intended, 40 Days for Life Vigil team have stood firm throughout the whole 9 years, coming back each year to be once again salt and light in the world.
She just finished a truly epic campaign outside one of the largest hospitals in Europe: the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (QEUH) . Her vigil has established national significance in Scotland - a nation of 5.2 million people.
Media, parliament and campaigners are united in a campaign to criminalize silent prayer, which has already been successfully introduced in England and Wales on a national basis. Rose says, “We know that we are engaged in a David and Goliath spiritual battle . We know that prayer and the rosary in particular work so we continue as before praying our way forward in faith and trust.”
Rose and her volunteers had just maintained a peaceful prayer in the face of hundreds of hours of taunts and attempts to disrupt prayer. At one point an activist turned up with loud music in an attempt to drown out prayer. There were numerous repeated attempts by the opposition to park up in front of the vigil site to block the message boards held by vigil participants offering help and support. Despite continued attempts to heckle and intimidate her group, they continued to ‘stand firm’ for twelve hours per day for 40 days in all weathers. Indeed, ‘Stand firm’ has become the vigil group’s motto. No matter the provocation they turn the other cheek.
Rose continues to pray with commitment and consistency in a no nonsense manner with integrity, regardless of the hysteria of the opposition. She realizes the spiritual importance of reparation in prayer, and the power of personal witness. She and her team quietly continues to do God’s work, in a dark place where hope is vitally needed. She trusts in God, knowing that he has a bigger victory and wins in the end. Her favourite phrase is “Onwards and upwards,” clear evidence of her optimism and hope, despite how extreme abortion laws are in Scotland.
Having been involved for decades with pro-life work, Rose was refreshed by the approach of 40 Days for Life emphasizing prayer rather than politics in attempting to change the culture and engage with society. Rose and her vigil group have witnessed to hundreds and thousands of people over the last decade, whom otherwise might never have heard a pro-life message. She sees that decades of political action has not led to much change, and that prayer recognizes the power of hearts and minds when it comes to abortion. Prayer is the foundational stone in the changing of culture and she is reaching out to people one person at a time.
Organizations such as BACK OFF SCOTLAND have been set up with the sole purpose of discrediting and criminalizing Rose’s quiet, peaceful presence outside an enormous hospital where children are aborted every year. Since the passing of the UK Abortion Act 55 years ago Scotland has aborted more than half a million children.
Of all the 40 Days for Life campaigns around the world, the Scottish media is perhaps the most staunchly and militantly pro-abortion anywhere. The BBC commissioned a documentary on buffer zones casting pro-lifers in a unfavorable light, while mainstream newspaper articles copy and paste pro-abortion activists stories. There is no fact checking.
Indeed the very few interviews that Rose has given have been not only been severely edited but actually omitted when a photo journalist said to Rose after her piece to his camera, ’thanks for that Rose but they won’t use it.’ She had replied in relation to his question, ‘ who are you and what are you doing here?’ ‘ We are a peaceful Christian prolife prayer vigil group offering support to anyone who may be facing a crisis pregnancy or indeed who may be in need of post abortion counselling support.’ When he further asked her what she thought about the Scottish Government’s move to bring in Buffer Zones she replied that as a Christian it made her think about Daivid and Goliath.’ He laughed and said that he thought it was a terrific comment but once again reiterated ‘but they won’t use it.’ It is for these reasons Rose chooses not to engage with the media in this toxic environment, preferring instead to heed the St Thomas Aquinas quote, ‘The truth is like a lion, you do not need to defend it, just set it free and it will defend itself’
A number of years ago the hospital management spent hundreds of thousands of pounds of legal fees chasing a couple of Christian midwives several years back through the courts who objected to abortion on grounds of conscientious objection in management roles. Mary Doogan and Connie Wood eventually lost their case and lost their careers in the process.
Dr Greg Irwin, who is a Pediatric Radiologist in the local Childrens Hospital which shares a campus with the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (QEUH) has continued to heckle vigil participants with hysterical pro-abortion activism, filming vigil participants without their consent and regularly returning to the vigil site to patronize and misrepresent volunteers present there.
The vigil takes place outside of the QEUH grounds and is situated across a very busy main road.
The entire Scottish Parliament spent just half an hour to decide that buffer zones where desperately needed, where there is barely one pro-life member of Parliament, John Mason is the only parliamentarian willing to speak out for the pro-life cause and as a result he was censured by his own party. Scottish politicians have hired an abortion guru on a high salary to advance the buffer zone agenda.
Scotland’s former Prime Minister Nicole Sturgeon has hosted multiple pro-abortion summits personally to vilify the work of 40 Days for Life. The entire Government machinery is determined and resolutely obsessed with bullying Christians by criminalizing silent prayer.
One wet day at the vigil, a young father drove up and wound down his car window. He had a baby seat in the front which held a new-born child. In the back seat there was a little two year old boy with huge smiling eyes. The father leant across to say over the sleeping baby, ‘I just wanted to stop and thank all of you for what you are doing here. It is so very important that you are here and that you continue to do what you are doing because he said you are doing it for such as these little ones. Thank you so very much.’ Vigil tears of gratitude mingled with raindrops that day!
On another occasion late one very wet afternoon a young woman drew up at the vigil site. She rolled down her window and sat for a few moments, silently and quietly staring at the vigil posters. She asked if they were an anti abortion protest. Rose explained that they were a peaceful prolife prayer vigil offering help and support to anyone facing a crisis pregnancy or in need of post abortion support. As the young woman continued to quietly stare at the ‘choose life’ poster Rose gently asked the young woman if she had been through the abortion experience. In quiet response she nodded her head before going on to explain that it had happened in the QEUH the previous year. Her mother had just died and ‘her head was all over the place.’ She went on to say that after taking the first pill she had changed her mind and called the hospital the following day. Her friend listened in on the call. After the call she said that her friend was so shocked at the way in which the hospital staff had spoken. Still staring at the ‘choose life’ poster the young woman’s eyes filled with tears and she said,’ I just want my baby back.’ Rose talked to her about the post abortion support group and asked her if she would like one of their contact cards. She said yes and took the card before driving away. She said her name was Jo.
This particular encounter, which is one among many such post abortion encounters, is evidence if such evidence is required that our peaceful prayer vigil is just that. There is no intimidation or harassment. Jo was not deterred from stopping at the vigil site by our poster board messages indeed she was drawn in by our peaceful demeanor.
Despite the iniquitous pantomime, Rose continues to pray with her faithful volunteers, in a country which needs as much prayer as possible. She continues to have many grace filled moments with passers by, who have a wild variety of opinions on the pro-life presence outside the hospital.
On numerous occasions even those who have claimed to be prochoice have asked the vigil for prayers for their loved ones in hospital before heading in to the hospital. Yet further evidence of the peaceful and prayerful nature of our vigil.
Buffer Zones: A summary of laws worldwide
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