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Response to the open letter from Mrs. Katja Mast, Mrs. Josephine Ortleb, Mrs. Leni Breymaier, Mrs. Sonja Eichwede, and Mrs. Carmen Wegge, Members of the German Parliament

Thursday, 10 October, 2024

Dear Mrs. Katja Mast, Mrs. Josephine Ortleb, Mrs. Leni Breymaier, Mrs. Sonja Eichwede, and Mrs. Carmen Wegge,

In response to your open letter of September 25, 2024, which you directly addressed us, we also respond publicly:

It is particularly alarming that members of the German Parliament, who allegedly have sufficient education, are incapable of understanding such simple concepts as those at stake in the issue of abortion and prayer vigils.

You seem unable to distinguish between an invasive protest and a peaceful prayer gathering.

You seem unable to distinguish between help and harassment.

You continue to cruelly ignore unborn children, despite the fact that science is clear enough on when human life (including your own) begins to exist.

Do you not know that you too were once unborn children? Do you not know that we stand for the fact that you are alive today and working as Members of Parliament, instead of having been torn apart, poisoned, and thrown into a bio-waste container just because your parents, or whoever may have pressured them, found your existence to be "burdensome" or "difficult"?

You should know that the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig, in the Pforzheim case (, ruled just last year that peaceful prayer gatherings in front of abortion facilities and pro familia counseling centers cannot be generally prohibited. You are therefore deliberately creating unconstitutional and undemocratic censorship zones in public spaces.

The necessity and appropriateness of our message in defense of life is particularly vital and of decisive importance in front of abortion centers and pro familia counseling centers, which in truth are disguised branches of the world's largest abortion organization, the International Planned Parenthood Federation, where you have legalized the elimination of human life, just as other regimes in the last century legalized other crimes with ideological justifications that later shamed generations of Germans.

Our activity is not disguised as anything else. It is what it is, visible to all. It is a silent and respectful prayer that shows German society the truth about human life and the falseness of the false solution you promote. You have the political power in this legislative period, but you cannot silence the truth. You have no right to deprive women of life-affirming options.

You are driving women with extraordinary zeal towards the option of death and trying at all costs to ensure that influence only comes from those who profit from the abortion business. This deadly tragedy is something you will one day have to explain to the affected women and their families, to German society, and to God, in whom you do not believe.

There are countless women around the world whom you want to silence: those who, thanks to our prayer gatherings, have chosen life and have publicly shared their testimonies countless times. The nearly 25,000 babies saved worldwide through "40 Days for Life" mean nothing to you. That is your measure of the value of human life.

The pressure you exert through your position of power in spreading ideas and laws over women is taking on draconian proportions and ignores the scientific studies of the last 50 years that demonstrate the devastating effects of abortion. You hide these realities from women and want to silence those who proclaim them.

We hope that you too will one day come to realization and repent. We are also praying for this!


Tomislav Čunović

CEO, 40 Days for Life International

German version of the entry

English version of the original open letter from the German Members of Parliament Mrs. Katja Mast, Mrs. Josephine Ortleb, Mrs. Leni Breymaier, Mrs. Sonja Eichwede, and Mrs. Carmen Wegge

Open letter to all fundamental opponents of abortion  
September 25, 2024

Dear Sir or Madam,

We are addressing you directly today. For years, some of you have organized and, above all, participated in protest actions. From the very beginning, these so-called vigils have been disguised, not only to massively intimidate and stigmatize women but also to target employees in counseling centers.

For years, we have been dealing with all the effects of these so-called "sidewalk harassments" and have visited numerous counseling centers. We have spoken with women and employees and have been instrumental in changing the Pregnancy Conflict Act so that these sidewalk harassments will hopefully soon be a thing of the past.

But why an open letter now?

We expect that the adopted draft law will be on the agenda of the Federal Council on September 27, 2024, and that it will pass, coming into effect soon after review and signature by the Federal President.

Unfortunately, you have once again announced for September 25, 2024 (two days earlier), another round of your so-called vigils worldwide, including in Germany, which typically last 40 days.

Knowing full well that it is to be expected that there will soon be legal grounds that will clearly regulate that such protest actions will be a thing of the past.

To be clear: there is a legal obligation for women in conflict pregnancies to receive counseling, and as a state, we will also ensure that this can be done without stigmatization.  
The overriding goal here is to ensure the realization of the legal protection concept, which respects the pregnant woman as the ultimate decision-maker and upholds her rights.

Before you get the impression that you are no longer allowed to express your opinion freely, let us make it clear: that's not the case. Of course, this will still be possible, no matter where in cities and towns. However, what will no longer be possible is for you to stand directly within sight, sometimes under the windows and doors of counseling centers, to harass and intimidate women and employees.

The political debate has taken place, and an expert appointed by the AfD (the CEO) of the organization primarily responsible for the vigils, "40 Days for Life," had the opportunity to present your arguments during the public hearing of the Bundestag Committee on Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women, and Youth on May 13, 2024.

The German Bundestag has decided otherwise by majority vote.

We hereby call on you and your supporters to cease all activities disguised as vigils, prayers, or whatever, that harass others in the immediate vicinity of counseling centers. Let the women on their difficult path to the counseling centers go in peace, and let the employees do their jobs. Stop standing on the sidewalks directly in front of the counseling centers with disturbing images, deliberately unsettling people. Do not participate in the campaign of "40 Days for Life." Far too many women have already had to endure these so-called vigils, and we can only repeat once again: play your part in ensuring that these stigmatizing activities no longer take place. It is an act of compassion to not subject people in difficult conflict situations to further pressure but to support them.


Katja Mast, Member of the German Bundestag  
First Parliamentary Secretary of the SPD Bundestag Group

Josephine Ortleb, Member of the German Bundestag  
Parliamentary Secretary of the SPD Bundestag Group and Responsible Rapporteur

Leni Breymaier, Member of the German Bundestag  
Family Policy Spokesperson of the SPD Bundestag Group

Sonja Eichwede, Member of the German Bundestag  
Legal Policy Spokesperson of the SPD Bundestag Group

Carmen Wegge, Member of the German Bundestag  
Deputy Legal Policy Spokesperson of the SPD Bundestag Group and Responsible Rapporteur