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Response to the open letter from Mrs. Katja Mast, Mrs. Josephine Ortleb, Mrs. Leni Breymaier, Mrs. Sonja Eichwede, and Mrs. Carmen Wegge, Members of the German Parliament

Thursday, 10 October, 2024
Dear Mrs. Katja Mast, Mrs. Josephine Ortleb, Mrs. Leni Breymaier, Mrs. Sonja Eichwede, and Mrs. Carmen Wegge,In response to your open letter of September 25, 2024, which you directly addressed ...

What to Say When 2: Book Review

Thursday, 19 September, 2024
Shawn D. Carney and Steve Karlen have written another classic pro-life apologetics book, helping pro-lifers discuss, clarify and question abortion in a post-Roe hostile culture. The book is a sequel ...

A Life Worth Living

Monday, 22 July, 2024
We were inspired to join 40 Days For Life because of our son, Remy. Following his fight for life both in and outside of the womb, we were convicted to ...

Leader shares personal testimony

Tuesday, 16 July, 2024
It was February 2022 and I pressed submit. This was the first year that I decided to lead the 40 Days for Life campaign, it was something I had been ...

An Introduction to Pavement Counseling

Friday, 3 May, 2024
Pavement counseling involves discouraging women going for an abortion by presenting the truth of abortion in a caring manner, providing emotional and spiritual support and following up with car using ...

A quick guide to additional and related 40 Days for life projects

Wednesday, 24 April, 2024
40 Days for Life has a whole range of additional related projects, programs, books and events that perhaps you have not heard about. Here is a quick guide to summarize ...

Leader’s Powerful Testimony to Scottish Parliament

Monday, 8 April, 2024
On 5th March 2024, 40 Days for Life Edinburgh leader Mairi Lucas shared her testimony to the Scottish Parliament. Her testimony included no false claims or inflammatory speech, just the ...

Courage in the Face of Adversity

Tuesday, 12 March, 2024
Glasgow, Scotland Rose was exhausted and astonished.She had just finished a candlelit vigil with 107 volunteers in front of placards created by pro-abortion activists desperate for national buffer zone laws.Earlier in ...

Jamaica: a Christian country in the Caribbean passionate for life!

Monday, 11 March, 2024
Jamaica has more Churches per square mile than any other Christian country in the world, also known as the country of cool with Bob Marley, reggae, Olympic champion sprinters, a ...

Book Review: The Scalpel and the Soul

Friday, 1 March, 2024
The story of the radical conversion and transformation of husband and wife abortion doctorsThe Scalpel and the soul tells the unlikely story of a husband-wife abortion team who had a ...

The trials and endeavors of being pro-life at university

Wednesday, 21 February, 2024
It was a talk at university that galvanized my pro-life views, helping me to see the violence of abortion against the unborn is one of the biggest social justice issues ...

Meanwhile on the Emerald Isle, worthwhile witness is working

Thursday, 15 February, 2024
By Robert ColquhounDirector of International Campaigns, 40 Days for LifeIreland has changed beyond all recognition from a religious powerhouse facilitating missionaries internationally to a secular country, relinquishing its religious and ...

Leader’s Conference in Rome sees fun, formation and fellowship and spiritual fruit in abundance

Wednesday, 7 February, 2024
Almost 200 people from 25 countries gathered in Rome, Italy from February 1-3, 2024 for an international conference of leaders who seek to end abortion where they live. Leaders from ...

Passionate and perseverant in Portugal

Thursday, 18 January, 2024
Hundreds of lives saved at one of Europe’s finest pro-life vigils  By Robert ColquhounDirector of International Campaigns Paula just got back from the circus. A special trip for the mothers who chose ...

The image of Our Lady of Guadalupe and its significance for the pro-life movement

Friday, 24 November, 2023
ROBERT COLQUHOUN.A recent 40 Days for Life congress called the “Spiritual battle for life” was held in Mexico City. Mexico City is also home to one of the most famous ...

South Korea: waking up to a street witness

Tuesday, 3 October, 2023
SEOUL - ROBERT COLQUHOUNFather Hugo Park has just been appointed to a parish, after leading two 40 Days for Life campaigns as the head of Seoul Archdiocese committee for life. ...

Thousands March for Life in London under the banner, Freedom to Live

Tuesday, 5 September, 2023
Approximately 7,000 people marched through London at the annual March for Life event, keen to proclaim the value of human life, filling Parliament Square with a family friendly event. Parliament square ...

The Giant of Asia: a long road to erradicating abortion

Wednesday, 17 May, 2023
Nearly two thirds of the worlds’ abortions take place in Asia. China alone accounts for nearly 400 million abortions since it adopted its infamous and brutal one-child policy in 1980. ...

Into the Breach: Defend your country, stand strong and enrich your future

Tuesday, 14 March, 2023
160 International Leaders from 21 countries along with the who’s who of the Polish pro-life movement met in Krakow, Poland from 10-12 February 2023 for the 40 Days for Life ...

The First 40 Days for Life in silent Taiwan (or) in the silent indifference to life in Taiwan

Monday, 6 March, 2023
In the beginning of 2022, after many years of struggling to know how to let the prolife movement touch the culture and the minds of modern Taiwanese society, the St. ...

Interview with Robert Colquhoun

Monday, 6 March, 2023
How did 40 Days for Life start? What is your mission?40 Days for Life started in Texas in 2004 and was launched nationally as an organization in 2007 in the ...

Stunned and Shocked in Slovakia. When curiosity stumbles across the truth

Sunday, 8 January, 2023
Martina was curious. She had just discovered a new book which she had never seen before. She stumbled upon it on her brother’s bookshelf. Unabashed, she started to read it. ...