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Dr Haywood Robinson concludes epic London Mission Trip

10-SEPTEMBER-24 • United Kingdom •

Dr Haywood Robinson, Director of Medical Affairs and Education for 40 Days for Life concluded an epic mission trip on 7th September  2024 to the United Kingdom with a keynote speech outside the Houses of Parliament in front of nearly 10,000 people. 

As a retired family physician who practiced medicine for 40 years he told the audience that the killing of children by abortion is not real healthcare. Real healthcare is derived for the first precept to do no harm, as well as the hippocratic oath. The taking of the life of another human life is not real healthcare. Pregnancy is a natural and progressive state. Abortion is not healthcare because pregnancy is not a disease.

Dr Robinson called for the audience to seize the narrative in the abortion debate, because there is no such thing as a medical procedure where 50% of the people involved are killed. Anything that harms an individual is not real healthcare. Real healthcare benefits and improves the health of those involved.

March For Life UK Speech Dr Haywood Robinson
March For Life UK 2024 Speech Dr Haywood Robinson imgajx117259785351582626607.jpg

Dr Robinson confessed that he was involved in the heinous abortion industry, seduced by the vain idea he could take the life of an innocent human being and was in denial of the basic science that demonstrates when human life begins at conception. He benefitted from the exploitation of women and stole the most precious gift, falling into a lie that dehumanized, women, children and ultimately himself. He became de-sensitized towards women and children but now has regret for his crimes against humanity. He came to the revelation that the love of money is the root of all evil.

Dr Robinson testified about his conversion. Thanks to God his sins were forgiven through Jesus Christ his Savior, whom the Son sets free is free indeed. He now looks forward to the prize set before him in service towards his Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ has placed us together to stand and fight against the greatest holocaust in human history.

Every year, 60 million children are killed by abortion worldwide, and the United Kingdom and United States account for 2-3% of this massive genocide. The magnitude of this global sin is immeasurable by human standards. The United Kingdom as the birthplace of the Magna Carta and the USA with its constitution should take a lead in this fight. If we can collectively combat the slaughter of the innocents then there is nothing we cannot stand against.

Dr Robinson referred to a multitude of historical figures who stand as examples of freedom and liberty. In the 18th century William Wilberforce was for years the sole member of Parliament standing against the British slave trade. He stated, “You may choose to look the other way, but you cannot say you did not know.” Through his faithfulness and perseverance the slave trade ended. We admire his accomplishments, in Ohio there is a university named after him.

In the 19th century Frederick Douglas who personally experienced the horrors, pains and injustice of forced servitude and violence exposed slavery and became a brilliant orator, writer and bastion for the abolitionist movement.

In the 19th century Abraham Lincoln, President of the USA ushered his country through a bloody civil war over the issue of slavery to remain with an intact union of states. On January 1 1863, President Lincoln issued an executive order called the emancipation proclamation that freed 3.5 million enslaved people.

In addition, the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King who studied under Gandhi and lived the non violent civil rights movement in the USA delivered the monumental, “I have a dream” speech under the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC.

Dr Robinson told that audience that we have an obligation to stand, to speak out against the global holocaust of abortion. We must not submit to racist, eugenicist organisations like Planned Parenthood, founded by Margaret Sanger and MSI, founded by Marie Stopes, and other corporations and regimes, they continue to practice genocide, targeting certain ethnic and religious people groups. We must not submit to feto-phobic, anti-humanity, child-phobic activities because they are destroying our trees. Abortion kills family trees. We must not stop until the fight for life until innocent pre-born children are guaranteed life from conception to natural death.

Dr Robinson concluded his speech stating it does not take a genius to figure out that the practice of death culture will perform them into extinction and pro-lifers will subdue and sustain the earth and that is what will happen. In the spirit of Sir Winston Churchill, we will fight them on the beaches, we will fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight on the fields and streets, we shall fight in the hills and we will never give up, never, never, never.

The epic mission trip also involved speaking at a conference, multiple interviews, meeting students, speaking in Churches and distributing our new magazine to nearly 1,000 new participants. In just one visit Dr Haywood met and inspired thousands of people to keep up the fight for the Pro-Life movement, breathing divine inspiration, hope and encouragement for pro-lifers everywhere. 

March For Life UK Dr Haywood Robinson and wife interview with Isabel Vaughan

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