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Saved Life




During the 40 Days for Life 365 activities in Valladolid on Friday, February 9, just 5 days before the start of Lent, a prayer participant saw three young women approaching the abortion clinic.

Two of them went inside, while one stayed outside. Surprised and intrigued by the signs, the girl approached the prayer participant and told them that one of her friends was pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.

The two young women who had entered the clinic came out and saw their friend talking to the prayer participant. The non-pregnant friend crossed over and joined the conversation, where they were offered help and exchanged contact numbers. The pregnant woman decided not to go inside.

Providentially, on the same day, the prayer participant encountered the three young women again on Calle Santiago in Valladolid, and a more relaxed conversation ensued.

The three women are unemployed, do not have residency permits in Spain, and the pregnant woman of 7 weeks mentioned the pressure she was facing from the baby's father to have an abortion.

They were quickly put in touch with a volunteer from Red Madre who is also a volunteer with 40 Days for Life, and this Wednesday, on the eighth day of Lent campaign, the young mother decided to continue with her pregnancy.


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