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Saved Life

London Ealing


.- 'Sandra' told volunteers she had prayed the night before for a sign. She got 2 signs! She received a leaflet from the 40 Days for Life vigil, the abortion provider took the leaflet away from her. She got another leaflet from the prayer volunteers on the way out and is getting help.

'Valerie' stopped her car saying she was pregnant and needed help. She took a leaflet and accepted help.

On the way to the ealing vigil after praying 3 decades at 40 days for life vigil, Rod met a young women 'Selina' who said a women she knew was going for an abortion a few days ago at Ealing abortion centre who decided to keep her baby. She said that the prayers at the vigil were really important, and asked volunteers to keep up the prayers.

2 other families stopped to tell the vigils they are keeping their babies including a 4th baby.

Volunteers also spoke to post abortive, homeless, those suffering with addictions and those considering becoming Christian. Thanks be to God!


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