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Country profile

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Abortion Laws today
Abortifacient pills are authorized in Zambia. The Zambian termination of pregnancy act approved by parliament allows abortion to protect the physical or mental health of a pregnant woman. Abortion is still in the penal code of Zambia and abortion is mentioned in the constitution of Zambia in article twelve.

Abortion has not always been allowed in Zambia, but currently being legalized due to social and economic grounds.
How and where vigils began

The leader runs an orphanage for 300 children in Zambia, at the same time runs a crisis pregnancy centre and helps women regularly throughout the year in crisis pregnancies. Motivated by the work in a pregnancy centre, saving lives from abortion and helping mothers, in 2015 the first campaign was launched in Zambia.

Country Statistics
Abortions per year Unknown
Vigil locations 4
Volunteers 100
Saved lives 160
Abortion facilities closed 4
Abortion workers quit 5
National website
Social media

Vigil locations in Zambia