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Jamaican team attacked again

10-MARCH • Jamaica • Kingston

KINGSTON, JAMAICA.- Vigil volunteers in Kingston, Jamaica had an attack on their vigil site. 4 volunteers were issued with threats and their signs were torn up. The team will look to have security once again this campaign after they were threatened last year.

The abortion facility called the police on the volunteers earlier saying that they were interfering with the persons going into the centre, which they were not.

The police came and saw the volunteers praying peacefully. At 5.45 Jamaican time, a man came out and threatened the team and tore up signs. Team members then went to the police station filing the report.

The team press on fearlessly for the Kingdom of God and the saving of many lives!

Le Parlement européen avance dans la culture de la mort et demande que l'option de tuer les non-nés soit considérée comme un droit fondamental européen.


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Présentation de 40 Jours pour la Vie à Paris


Hier samedi 13 janvier a eu lieu la première présentation de 40 Jours pour la Vie à Paris, au Patronage du Bon Conseil de la capitale parisienne. Le directeur des campagnes ...
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