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24-hour Vienna campaign camping outside the Museum of Abortion and Contraception

06-MARCH • Österreich •

The 40 Days for Life team in Vienna, Austria has set up camp outside Vienna’s largest abortion provider and will not budge for 40 days and 40 nights! The abortion center is also a museum for abortion and contraception.

With their tent, they are protected somewhat from wind, rain, and snow. They are requesting help to fill all their hours and sending prayers for the mothers, children, and abortion workers, and also for the abortion center to close.

In February 2023, the oldest abortion center in Austria shut down permanently after 40 Days for Life campaigns in 2021 and 2022. This is the first time they have tried a 24-hour campaign outside the largest and busiest abortion center in Austria. In the past, there has been aggression and vandalism from one of the abortion workers at the Vienna campaign.

The abortion center is also unique because it is a museum for contraception and abortion. School classes (20-30 young teens) are taken in to “learn” from the abortion provider. The children learn how contraception and abortion have changed women’s lives. So far, teachers have refused to take any pro-life leaflets from the volunteers. The team refuses to visit the museum since the entrance money will go towards the abortion providers.

One volunteer testified how his girlfriend had an abortion against his will, and that he sees 40 Days for Life as a vehicle for serious spiritual change in Austria in which huge changes can be made. He sees that one abortion center has already closed in Vienna thanks to prayer, and he requests help to realize the dream of a 24-hour prayer campaign.

Pray for our brave Vienna team.