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Abortion Laws today
Abortion is legal in all states and territories of Australia. There are no federal abortion laws, but abortion has been decriminalized in all states and territories. Later term abortions in most states are possible with the approval of two doctors. Laws vary between the states and territories and surgical abortions are available on request. Buffer zones have been implemented across Australia outside abortion centres.
How and where vigils began
Volunteers from Life Ministries began praying outside the two main abortion centres in Perth circa 1998. This morphed into being part of the worldwide 40 Days for Life campaign. In Perth in 2022 the law has changed so volunteers are no longer able to pray outside the clinics. Now volunteers pray outside Parliament House every day.
Country Statistics
Abortions per year 39,030 in 2022
Vigil locations 1
Volunteers 100
Saved lives unknown
Abortion facilities closed unknown
Abortion workers quit unknown
National website 40dfl.net
Social media Facebook

Vigil locations in Australia

Campaigns in Australia