Cosa dire quando presentation in Modena and a prospective new campaign in Bolonia, Italy
25-NOVEMBER-24 • Italia • Modena
From November 22 to 24, the city of Modena, Italy, hosted the presentation of the book Cosa dire quando, the Italian translation of What to Say When by Shawn Carney and Steve Karlen. This edition was published by 40 Days for Life International. The weekend also included an informative workshop and testimony session about the chance to create a 40 Days for Life campaign in Bologna, a city located about 40 kilometers from Modena.
Representing the international team was the technology coordinator, Juan Presa, a resident of Spain, who traveled to both Italian cities to provide an international perspective, share the testimony of campaigns in Spain (another predominantly Catholic country like Italy), and offer his experience as a coordinator of a 40 Days campaign with four years of history.
Modena has already held three campaigns with a stable and organized group of volunteers praying in front of a hospital. They have already witnessed the fruits of their efforts, with the confirmation of the first life saved thanks to their prayer and fasting. The Modena vigil gathers a diverse group of people, including young people, older adults, families, religious sisters, priests, and even a person of Protestant faith. At times, they organize prayer sessions accompanied by music and often hold events before, during, and after the campaign.
Their goal is to expand the movement to nearby cities, for which they are in contact with pro-life groups and individuals from the surrounding areas.
The book presentation took place in the parish hall of Saint Paul the Apostle in Modena, with about thirty people in attendance. Among the speakers were one of the book’s preface authors, Father Francesco Giordano, director of Human Life International in Rome, the two Italian translators, Luciano Bertolini and Maria Sole Martucci, and several volunteers from the Modena vigil. One of them, Andrea Mazzi, shared reflections on the Italian pro-life movement compared to the American context in which the book was written. Several volunteers participated with questions, leading to an engaging discussion on the need to combat abortion through prayer and public awareness while saving lives through their presence at abortion centers.
In the parish of Rastignano, near Bologna, Father Giulio made a large parish hall available for the presentation of the campaign in this city. A group of volunteers already familiar with the Modena initiative aims to encourage more people to join their public prayer efforts. The young Francesco, a local representative of the association Famiglia e Vita in Bologna, is managing the formation of this new campaign group.
Francesca Romana Poleggi, from Famiglia e Vita Rome, traveled to Rastignano to give a brief lecture on human life and present her book Per amore dei nostri figli. She also screened the Live Action video “Baby Olivia,” translated into Italian, which narrates the beginning of human life using 3D imagery. Following this, Juan Presa from the 40 Days for Life international team shared his testimony and explained the campaign at the international level. Lastly, Grazia, the volunteer coordinator from Modena, provided a detailed explanation of how the campaign is conducted and presented the posters and other materials used. She also recounted the moment they learned they had saved a life.
About thirty parish members attended the workshop, some of whom expressed interest in learning more and participating.
The book Cosa Dire Quando can be requested by emailing, providing the name of the interested person, postal address, and the desired number of copies. The book will be sent by mail.
40 Days for Life International expresses its gratitude for the dedication and efforts of the volunteers in Modena, Pro Vita e Famiglia in Bologna, and the parish leaders in both locations for their collaboration in organizing these two events.
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